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Newsletter: June Week 4

Writer: micky blockmicky block

(Courtesy of Emily Bosco from the QO Otters Facebook Group)

Half-way Through the Swim Season!

As the first month of summer comes to an end, the swim season is nearing its half-way point. In just under a month, the QO Otters will be participating in the Montgomery County Swim League’s (MCSL) Division E Divisionals swim competition, as well as holding the annual Otters Banquet on Saturday, July 23rd. This past week, our Otters competed against the Bannockburn Dolphins for this year’s first home swim meet. While the Dolphins ultimately took victory in our waters, the 8 and Under swimmers from the QO Otters did a phenomenal job during the meet! Their hard-work and effort was quite noticeable to the coaches, as we were able to score more points than the 8 and Under Dolphins did. However, the home meet wasn’t the only event that the Otters held this week at the Club. Last Saturday was team picture day, and our favorite Kona-Ice truck made a routine appearance to provide shaved ice and other refreshments to patrons. Additionally, the Otters hosted their traditional Pancake Breakfast Social yesterday, and a Pasta Dinner Social will be taking place today! The next swim meet is tomorrow, and it is away at Merrimack Park. We highly encourage you to attend the event if possible, so that we can give the QO Otters our utmost support to cheer them on to victory!

The Instagram Giveaway is now OPEN!

The first ever QOSTC sponsored giveaway is open for entries until July 15th! All you have to do to enter is make sure you’re following our Instagram account (@qostc), and like/comment on our most recent post! By doing so, you are entered into the giveaway with one entry. For an additional three entries, just repost the giveaway to your Instagram story and tag us! Not only will four of the winners chosen receive a FREE swim cap, swim goggles, and a single Wilson overgrip, but the main winner will receive a 30% discount off of any item from our pro-shop (racquets are included)! This is the start of many more giveaways to come, and we hope to offer more tennis and swim-themed prizes going forward! To make sure you don’t miss out on any future giveaways or club events, follow our Instagram and Facebook accounts (@qostc) for all the latest news and updates!


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